Types of Speech Acts Used on Instagram Comments of EllenDegeneres’ Account
November 24, 2018  //  DOI: 10.33810/274175
Marhan Pebrianto, Hanna Latifani Daniarsa, Diyanisa Awaliyah


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Types of Speech Acts Used on Instagram Comments of EllenDegeneres’ Account Image

Homosexuality is something that is still in debate in some countries until now. Even so, western country like USA is now more open and accept the phenomena. Those phenomena can happen among public figures. Frequently, most public figures are connected to the world by using social media. Ellen DeGeneres is one of the famous American gay artists and comedians. She also uses Instagram actively to show her post including photos. One of the photos that she posted on her Instagram, that showed the action when she kissed her wife, Portia de Rossi, has come up with various comments left by netizen. Those comments used various kinds of speech acts. This paper aims to find what kind of speech acts that often appear on Ellen DeGeneres’, October 11 - 13, 2018 post’s comments and to describe the reason why they used those kind of speech acts. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative since it describes certain phenomenon qualitatively. J.L Austin’s theory regarding speech act is used as the framework of this study. Firstly, several comments on October 11 - 13, 2018 were collected. Then, those comments were analyzed and classified into the type of speech acts. The results showed that the type of speech acts mostly appear in the comments are representative and expressive. Through their comments, it can also be inferred that netizen want to state their opinions show their feelings towards Ellen as a gay.

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