Slang Analysis of the Conversation among Drivers Gosend by Gojek: A Case Study in Whatsapp Group
Листопад 24, 2018  //  DOI: 10.33810/274166
Nico Harared, M. Rinzat Iriyansah


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Slang Analysis of the Conversation among Drivers Gosend by Gojek: A Case Study in Whatsapp Group Image

This research discusses about slang language that occurs among drivers gosendinwhatsapp group. The research aims at analyzing slang based on its morphological processes and its function. The form of this research is qualitative descriptive which results descriptive data. The data are collected by using observations method (screenshoot) on the conversation among the driversgosend in WA group. Then the method is followed by full observation method, hence there is no interference from the researcher on the data collected. The focus of the research is on the analysis of slang in WA group by describing its morphological processes and its functions. In this research, first, the writers found some of the types of slang on morphological processes according to (Yule, 2006) used among driversGosendinwhatsapp group,namely blending, borrowing, clipping, initials and derivation by adding with specific affixes (suffix). Meanwhile, there are some functions according to what (Coleman, 2012) had proposed why among driversgosendinwhatsapp group, such as slang to express emotion, to express shared attitudes and values, and slang language was used because it’s easier in some way (usually quicker), everyone else uses it and it has become a habit or mannerism.

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